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Targeting novel regulated cell death:Ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and autophagy in sepsis-associated encephalopathy  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Sun, Jingjing#[1]Fleishman, Joshua S.[2];Liu, Xueyan[1];Wang, Hongquan[3];Huo, Liang*[1]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY ISSN:0753-3322 2024 年 174 卷 ; MAY
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE), a common neurological complication of sepsis, is a heterogenous complex clinical syndrome caused by the dysfunctional response of a host to infection. This dysfunctional response leads to excess mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite clinical relevance with high incidence, there is a lack of understanding for its both its acute/chronic pathogenesis and therapeutic management. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind SAE may provide tools to better enhance therapeutic efficacy. Mounting evidence indicates that some types of non-apoptotic regulated cell death (RCD), such as ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and autophagy, contribute to SAE. Targeting these types of RCD may provide meaningful targets for future treatments against SAE. This review summarizes the core mechanism by which non-apoptotic RCD leads to the pathogenesis of SAE. We focus on the emerging types of therapeutic compounds that can inhibit RCD and delineate their beneficial pharmacological effects against SAE. Within this review we suggest that pharmacological inhibition of non-apoptotic RCD may serve as a potential therapeutic strategy against SAE.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Sun Jingjing,Fleishman Joshua S.,Liu Xueyan, et al. Targeting novel regulated cell death:Ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and autophagy in sepsis-associated encephalopathy [J].BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY,2024,174.
  • APA:
    Sun Jingjing,Fleishman Joshua S.,Liu Xueyan,Wang Hongquan,&Huo Liang.(2024).Targeting novel regulated cell death:Ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and autophagy in sepsis-associated encephalopathy .BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY,174.
  • MLA:
    Sun Jingjing, et al. "Targeting novel regulated cell death:Ferroptosis, pyroptosis, and autophagy in sepsis-associated encephalopathy" .BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY 174(2024).
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